Thursday, September 26, 2013


So far, the 21st Century Communications class has been an interesting class. The class consists of Digital, Communication, and Career categories. Digital is mainly about you and the digital world, and how you can be safe. Communication is mainly about the best way to communicate with others, whether it is public speaking or a conversation. Career is mainly about discovering you interests, planning for the future, and putting real thought into you life after school. The assignments are all different, yet they all connect to each other in some way, and eventually they all come together to give you the best chance at understanding and succeeding in the big project for the six weeks. 

My favorite assignment so far has been the example video for Digital to prove that we know how to use the program we are using for the project. It was refreshing to go back and use Movie Maker again for the first time in a while. Another assignment I enjoyed was making the script and storyboard for the project. I had to plan ahead and it seems helpful so far.

Interest Inventory

Being a musician seems like it would be a fun career. I have always enjoyed playing guitar, however I have never considered music as a career. Though being a musician would be awesome, I would have to take lessons and get better at playing guitar first. This would require a great amount of dedication.

I think my days would involve a lot of practice, experimenting with sounds and cords, and writing new music. I would probably end up spending most of the day with the band.
Playing Riffs On Les Paul